Tennessee Apprentice School


We are a career technical educational school that specializes in cosmetology programs. We offer cosmetology diploma programs to ages 16 & up. Our mission is to prepare students for state exams, immediate job placement, entrepreneurial opportunities and to be the one stop hub for all your career needs. We are Black Girl Beauty School of Careers; while we specialize in Black Hair Care, Black Arts and Building Entrepreneurs in Black Communities; we target, service, train and welcome all socioeconomic standing to our educational platforms.


While We Live The Life That We’ve Always Dreamed Of…



Black Girl Beauty School of Careers – TENNESSEE offers apprenticeship programs. This is synchronous learning. This approach offers an Apprenticeship Learning Pathway through Distance Learning (virtual) for the theory with an instructor guiding you every step of the way virtually and Apprenticeship Learning (on-the-job training/journeyman) with a licensed professional mentor in the salon setting. This learning pathway was designed for the new millennial generation of students who are creative, strong, self-motivated and fast paced learners who desire to learn and grow outside of the traditional campus environment. It’s also a great opportunity for those who have been practicing beauty from home, financially unable to attend school, already have model clientele and want to transition to become a professional to learn and build a career. The on-the-job, journeyman training allows students to build a paying clientele in a professional salon under the mentorship of a licensed stylist/mentor. The licensed mentor serves as the liaison/trainer for hands-on-training. Students are tested for theory after the first 1/2 of training. Students must pass the state theory exam and meet all the school’s academic and financial requirements before moving on to the on-the-job salon training with a professional mentor. Upon completing the second 1/2 of training, the student will test for the practical exam. We accept students starting at sixteen (16) years old.

Synchronous distance learning allows students to attend class from anywhere, virtually each week with instructors and classmates. Students participate in real-time discussions during class time each week, at the same time as your instructor and classmates. Synchronous learning educators and the students in the course engage with the course content and each other simultaneously but at different locations. Students improve presentation skills while networking and making connections with classmates.


Black Girl Beauty School of Careers – GEORGIA offers online programs. This is synchronous learning. This approach offers an Apprenticeship Learning Pathway through Distance Learning (virtual) for the theory with an instructor guiding you every step of the way virtually and Apprenticeship Learning (on-the-job training/journeyman) with a licensed professional mentor in the salon setting. This learning pathway was designed for the new millennial generation of students who are creative, strong, self-motivated and fast paced learners who desire to learn and grow outside of the traditional campus environment. It’s also a great opportunity for those who have been practicing beauty from home, financially unable to attend school, already have model clientele and want to transition to become a professional to learn and build a career. The on-the-job, journeyman training allows students to build a paying clientele in a professional salon under the mentorship of a licensed stylist/mentor. The licensed mentor serves as the liaison/trainer for hands-on-training. Students are tested for theory after the first 1/2 of training. Students must pass the state theory exam and meet all the schools academic and financial requirements before moving on to the on-the-job salon training with a professional mentor. Upon completing the second 1/2 of training, the student will test for the practical exam. We accept students starting at sixteen (16) years old.

Synchronous online learning allows students to attend class from anywhere, virtually each week with instructors and classmates. Students participate in real-time discussions during class time each week, at the same time as your instructor and classmates. Synchronous learning educators and the students in the course engage with the course content and each other simultaneously but at different locations. Students improve presentation skills while networking and making connections with classmates.

Asynchronous learning allows you to learn on your own schedule, within a certain time frame. You can access and complete lectures, readings,  and other learning materials at any time during a one- OR two-week period.  Asynchronous learning, therefore, is based on the constructivist theory whereby instructors act more as facilitators, guides on the side, and knowledge disseminators who ensure that content and curriculum are delivered effectively and efficiently. Our Georgia school location will offer asynchronous learning for the theory portion of the hybrid program.

Our team has been dedicated to leadership, entrepreneurship and philanthropy in beauty, performing arts, audio engineering, construction and office administration for more than 45 years. We’ve taken our family passions and put together a complete career technical school offering trades that will change your life forever… All of our occupations work hand and hand when it comes to building a career/business. Today, we’re very excited and passionate about helping future professionals obtain licensing and/or certification in your program of choice. We look forward to watching you turn your passion into MAGIC!
It’s our quest to turn hobbies into $$$$.
Get talent out of the kitchen,
Off of the front porch and
Into our training programs where we offer two different learning pathways partnered with our professional salons, studios, spas, offices and construction site mentors.
It doesn’t matter your circumstance…
We meet every learning style.
We offer a holistic and timeless experience, and we put high focus on the kinesthetic learner.
You can attend a traditional school on campus, one of our amazing apprenticeship programs and/or learn right from the comfort of your own home…